When should I see a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist?

Have you heard about pelvic floor physical therapy? If not, you’re not alone. Many people are surprised to discover that there is an entire physical therapy specialty dedicated just to the pelvis. While you may already know you can count on a physical therapist to help you get back to running after an injury and help you prepare or recover from surgery, there’s so much more physical therapists can help you accomplish.

Keep reading to learn about the top 5 reasons to see a pelvic floor physical therapist!

1.) You leak (or pee you pants) when you laugh, cough, sneeze, jump, or run. No matter your age or how many children you’ve had, you should always be able to control your bladder! It’s a common myth that you have to deal with peeing your pants after you’ve had a baby or that at a certain age your bladder just wears out. Pelvic floor physical therapists can help you regain strength and teach you strategies to take back control of your bladder once and for all.

2.) You’re pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or had a baby. Anyone who has been pregnant can tell you the toll it took on their body. A pelvic floor PT can help you stay active throughout your pregnancy, teach you how to protect your pelvic floor while you give birth, and safely guide you as you return to exercise and the other activities you love postpartum. 

3.) You feel like you spend your life in the bathroom. Whether you are constantly racing to the bathroom throughout the day, nervous about where the next available bathroom might be, or it takes you forever to be able to empty, a pelvic floor specialist may be the answer. We’re here to teach you  about what’s normal and what’s not. If you go more (or less) that 6 to 8 times a day, can’t wait more than a few minutes after the first urge, or have to spend more than a few minutes in the bathroom at a time because you just can’t go, we can help you get back to normal. Life does not need to revolve around the bathroom!

4.) You feel like something is falling out “down there.” An estimated 30 to 50% of women experience some degree of pelvic organ prolapse. One of the most common symptoms is pressure, heaviness, or a falling out feeling. Pelvic floor PT can often help completely resolve these symptoms without the need for surgery!

5.) You’ve had an abdominal or pelvic surgery. You go to see a physical therapist after a shoulder or knee surgery, why not an abdominal or pelvic surgery? Pelvic floor physical therapists commonly work with people after cesarean birth, as they prepare for a VBAC, as well as before and after pelvic organ prolapse surgery, prostatectomy, and hysterectomy. 

Are you struggling with any of the issues above? Do you want to be proactive about your pelvic floor health? We’re here to help! Book your free consultation or first appointment today! Also, check out our blog, What You Need to Know Before Seeing a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist.


Do I have prolapse?


What You Need to Know Before Seeing a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist